Plot: a little girl is growing up in America in the early 1900's, in Brooklyn. Her family is poor and struggles to make ends meet. Her mother vowed that her children would be educated and graduate high school, but with her father earning less money and drinking more, who would bring in the money?
Comments: This is an amazing book, based on a true story. It is a wonderful novel for deep thinkers and those curious as to how life used to be in the United States. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is thoughtful, easily connected to the reader's own life, and incredibly inspiring. This book is longer than it seems, and when you've turned the last page and your eyes have settled on The End, it feels like you've lived through the story, like you were part of the book the whole time and only now are coming back to Earth. This is not necessarily a novel meant for young adults, and is not a good book for when you need a light story to delight you and keep you amused. You will only receive the true effect of this book if you are mature and read it carefully. There are some hints of adult content, but not much, and this story teaches life lessons wise enough to age a person. This book changed my life.
Rating: I rate this book an eight and a half out of ten.
Maya, I really liked this book, too. I got it during a book exchange party with friends. I'm wondering how it changed your life?
ReplyDeleteWell, it made me think in a different way, and in reading this book, I learned about how things were different. It didn't make me have an epiphany or anything, but it really opened my mind and made me ask myself some questions I had never thought of before.