Plot: Bill Carter, as a young man, sneaks into the middle of a war in Bosnia: the city of Sarajevo. He is living in the center of a war zone, dodging bullets and bombs, barely managing to find food and water. Making friends and interviewing natives, Carter learns not only how to survive, but how to live, and shares his experience with the world. The story of Sarajevo is one every person must know.
Comments: I can't tell you I disliked the characters or that the plot needed more work. I can't tell you the writing was horrible or that the organization could have been better. First, because none of that is true, but second, because this is a true story, and I can't evaluate real people or events. Could I tell you I didn't like the ending, if every word of the ending is true? No, I couldn't. I don't know what I can tell you about this book.
I will say that the story is sometimes heartwarming, sometimes heartwrenching. It brought tears to my eyes, and it made me laugh. The people of Sarajevo really knew how to live, maybe more so than anyone living in a peaceful country. I loved reading about the sisters who faced death everyday, running down a street lined with snipers, and about the man who loved to paint and play soccer. Bill Carter distributed food and supplies to people everywhere, and in return, they told him their story. I am grateful for the look into their lives, and you will be, too.
Rating: Just read it.
Comments: I can't tell you I disliked the characters or that the plot needed more work. I can't tell you the writing was horrible or that the organization could have been better. First, because none of that is true, but second, because this is a true story, and I can't evaluate real people or events. Could I tell you I didn't like the ending, if every word of the ending is true? No, I couldn't. I don't know what I can tell you about this book.
I will say that the story is sometimes heartwarming, sometimes heartwrenching. It brought tears to my eyes, and it made me laugh. The people of Sarajevo really knew how to live, maybe more so than anyone living in a peaceful country. I loved reading about the sisters who faced death everyday, running down a street lined with snipers, and about the man who loved to paint and play soccer. Bill Carter distributed food and supplies to people everywhere, and in return, they told him their story. I am grateful for the look into their lives, and you will be, too.
Rating: Just read it.
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