Plot: a girl is living on the streets and starts to visit a drop-in center for homeless kids called Sketches. At Sketches, kids can paint, make pottery, create computer games, and all sorts of art, instead of receiving food and shelter. As the girl works on a painting and struggles to survive, a secret begins to surface, the reason why she's on the street.
Comments: I really liked this book because it was showing something that could happen to anybody, and reminded me to be grateful for what I have. The characters weren't very well rounded; they only had a trait or two, and they didn't seem like real people. I think the way her secret is revealed doesn't have enough of an impact as it could have. It was almost casual, and way too smooth. Something that emotional should have a bigger impact on people, and have a jagged, rocky result, or at least a little bumpy. It was confusing when time passed because I had to realize it by myself and try to decipher how much time had passed. The ending barely hinted at the future, so I feel like the girl's life ended when I turned the last page. It's not like she really died, it just didn't seem like anything else would happen when the book ended.
Rating: This book gets a six and a half out of ten.
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