Book One in the series
Plot: Arthur Dent's beloved Earth is demolished by creatures he had never known existed, and the only reason he survived is because his friend, Ford Prefect, is not as human as he looks. Arthur soon becomes a part of a wild adventure through space and time with Ford, a researcher for a new edition of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and a whole cast of wacky characters.
Comments: Such a great book! It's a wonderfully written science fiction novel, and it made me laugh out loud more times than I can count! The characters are immensely weird, but that's all part of the fun. I like the different odd quirks that the people have, and it makes for an interesting scene when the personalities collide. This book is best for people with a big imagination, because this story stretches your mind to the very limits and beyond, with wild plots and hard-to-grasp concepts, mixed in with a few so-called "impossible" things.
The plot is wild, active, and rather confusing at times. You have to read this book very carefully so you don't miss anything, because the tiniest little detail could be the difference between a complicated but understood scene and utter confusion. A few times I had to reread bits to understand what was going on. The names of planets and species can get extremely disorientating, so I suggest you don't pay too much attention to them. It's not necessary for you to memorize the many different names, and if you try, you'll probably just mix them up anyways. I love the way the characters talk and interact with each other. They're just so odd, it's hilarious!
Rating: I rate this book an eight out of ten. A must-read!
The answer to the Universe is...42.