Plot: When her royal father, mother, and uncle are killed, supposedly by their neighboring kingdom, Princess Ben (or Benevolence) is left in the care of Queen Sophia, her formal, unapproachable aunt. Ben finds a secret chamber with a book of magic spells and begins to practice magic. But when danger threatens to overthrow Ben's beloved country, Ben is forced to make a decision she never saw coming.
Comments: When I first started reading this book, I only got a few pages in before I put it down again. I was not very interested in the hook, and the main character, Ben, was not the kind of person I enjoy reading about. She was whiny and childish, very immature for her fifteen years of age. But later I began reading again, and I found that the book quickly became more interesting. The plot started, important characters were introduced, the story had begun. I really liked the plot in this book; it's unlike what I've ever read before. Of course I've read stories about princesses and princes and the royal life, but there were certain details that made this story completely different. I really liked Ben's way of thinking. She seemed so real, not just something made up.
The characters in this book were easy to remember and to imagine. I like the way they are portrayed so that you feel as if you know them personally. The twists in this story were mostly unexpected, and time after time I was surprised at what had happened. It was refreshing to not know what was going to happen ages before the main character finally realized it. It was as if I was Princess Ben myself. I must admit that the ending was somewhat confusing. A few details hadn't been cleared up between Ben and Prince Florian, and their sudden turn of emotion at the end was surprising and perhaps even a bit unbelievable. But all in all, the ending was satisfying and allows the story to continue on past the last pages in my imagination.
Rating: I rate this book a seven and a half out of ten.
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