Plot: a spirit born of a dying sailor's imagination becomes the sole inhabitant of the Bermuda Triangle in which she is confined. She is powerful and creates animals, light shows, friends, whatever she wants. When humans wash upon her island's shore, she quickly bends their will to her own. She manipulates them and plants images in their minds, and soon they will take her out of the Triangle to ultimately become the ruler of the world. Can the humans break free of her spells before they become completely possessed?
Comments: Reading the inside cover of this book, I had anticipated the man whom Ariel was focusing on to fight her a little more. I had thought that the plot of the book was him trying not to fall under her spell. But really, it's more about what he does when he's under her influence. That was a surprise, and it wasn't much fun reading about her whispering into his ear, telling him what to do and say. It was an interesting story though, about an evil, immortal sprite that has no heart and no sense of love or compassion.
The characters in this story aren't very well-rounded; I can't imagine them as real people. They seem...2D, like they aren't completely whole. The characteristics they have make them interesting, but they don't have many, and that could be the problem. But with a bit of imagination, anything can happen! The hook in this story definitely made me want to read more, and the ending was interesting, yet not a cliff-hanger. I liked the way this story ended, but I think the last day or so in the story took too long to play out.
Rating: I rate this book a six out of ten.
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