Plot: a young boy with a genius IQ and a criminal mastermind father begins to attend a secret school specially made for honing the skills of criminals. Cadel's passion is computers, and to make a little money, he creates a website that supposedly pairs people with their perfect match. He soon becomes fascinated by a customer, a brilliant woman by the name of Kay-Lee, and he starts to realize how much he wishes he had a normal life. Will he ever be able to throw off the chains of his manipulating father and start a new life, or will he be drawn into the darkness of pure evil?
Comments: this book was fun to read, and had a very interesting plot that rendered me unable to put Evil Genius down. The characters are not very well-rounded, and I have a hard time imagining their lives stretching beyond the plot of this story. However, there is a unique mixture of weird quirks and personalities in this book that help keep it interesting as the characters develop and interact with each other.
This book was easy to read and to understand through most of the book, but at the end it was a whirlwind of fast-paced, very confusing action that had me reading and rereading sections of the book just to keep up.
The plot of this book is unique, and I've never read a story like it before. The way Cadel speaks is unlike what I've ever heard, but it fits his character very well. I like the way the book is written, with tiny little mysteries here and there, such as the story of Com, the computer-human. I like how everything fits together, and how the story is like a series of dominoes knocking each other down.
Rating: I rate this book a seven and a half out of ten.
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