Plot: a young boy's father leaves him behind at a small village to grow up with strangers. Then war begins brewing, and the boy Essa has grown into a young man. He must fight to survive among traitors, enemies, and family he had never known.
Comments: I liked the plot of this book a lot, but I think it wasn't used to the best it could have been. The way the characters are linked together is interesting, the different bonds they have, but I don't like how some characters interact. For example, I hated the way Essa would always end up completely obedient to his father, no matter what he would do to Essa. Essa was always bowing his head and doing what his father told him to like a little puppy trailing at his master's heels. I wish Essa had been a person with a spine, someone with a little more self-confidence. I would have liked Essa a lot more if he was more willing to stand up for his own opinions and thoughts. I hated how weak he always acted.
As I said, the plot was good, but it could have been used better. The ending was abrupt and yet not, but it didn't finish the story, and left me with more questions than even my imagination could cope with.
Rating: I give this book a six out of ten.
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