Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Kite Rider by Geraldine McCaughrean

Not to be confused with The Kite Runner.

Plot: A young boy's father dies, leaving his in charge of his beautiful grieving mother and his baby sister. Haoyou decides to join the circus, flying high into the sky on a big red kite to make money for his family. But when he sends his generous salary home to his mother, his gambling great-uncle wastes the whole lot, and then comes to the circus to take the rest of the young kite rider's money. Will Haoyou choose to be an obedient son or a rebellious adventurer?

Comments: I liked the plot of this book a lot, but like another book I started reading recently, the main character kind of ruined it for me. The twists and turns of losing a family member, protecting his mother from an evil suitor, and riding kites for a living was unique and imaginative. However, Haoyou did not change throughout the story as I think characters should develop. He was obedient and humble, always doing whatever his great-uncle told him to do. I hated how no matter how he felt and no matter what he thought, his great-uncle's priorities came before his own.

I liked the way different characters are in the spotlight at different times. One chapter, a certain few characters will be more prominent in the story, and the next, a new character will become the more important. The way the characters interact and speak to each other is a lot how I imagine Asia was in ancient times (I believe this story is based in China). The descriptions of the different places and people were detailed and painted a picture in my head. The ending was complicated and intricate, but I liked how the story turned out, and it left plenty of room for imagining.

Rating: I rate this book a six and a half out of ten.

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