Friday, May 4, 2012

Up the Capitol Steps by Barbara Roberts

Plot: Up the Capitol Steps: A Woman's March to the Governorship is Barbara Roberts' memoir as Oregon's first and only woman governor. In this book, she recalls the long, political journey from her childhood to the hard-won position of governor. This is a story of a strong woman who made a difference in her state and in views toward women in politics.

Comments: First, I will emphasize that this is not an autobiography. While Roberts does write about her life and her experiences, she focuses on the events that led her to her political career. I must admit that I am not supremely interested in politics. Because of this, many parts of the book were slightly dull. Now, due to Roberts' skillful writing, I strongly believe that anyone with an interest in politics or history would find this very interesting. I simply lean toward less technical books.

It was difficult for me to read this book because of the complex descriptions of bills, organizations and politicians. In the end I only read half of the good-sized book because I felt most of the story was over. The second half occurs when Roberts has gained governorship and is detailing accomplishments and events in that political sector. Once again, I think this book could be very interesting; it is merely my own lack of interest in political technicalities and history that caused me to be less than enraptured.

Rating: I rate this book a seven out of ten. Roberts' voice throughout the stories is fun and engaging.

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