Plot: Ever since a traumatizing experience years ago when he was eight, Mike has not spoken a single word. As his life unfolds with twists and turns, he remains silent in happiness, in fear, and in determination. Mike narrates his many-faceted story of coming-of-age and getting involved in a darker world, from which he can never escape.
Comments: I could not put this book down! The Lock Artist is absolutely captivating. Mike is a character who is difficult to understand because of the secrets in his past, but he endears himself to the reader easily. You can't help but cheer for him even when the situation looks hopeless.
Each chapter switches to a different time in Mike's life, which is confusing. Eventually it morphs into two or three distinct periods and is easier to follow, but initially it was dizzying. The dates listed at the beginning of each chapter meant nothing to me, so I never knew how old he was or what was happening until I read through the first page or so.
I thought Mike's relationship with the girl was a little unrealistic. The way they communicated through comics was very cute, though. I appreciated that Mike had more than the one particular talent: rather than just his very important skill (read the book to find out, though it should be a little obvious from the title), Mike was also a highly gifted artist in drawing. I thought that rounded out his character more.
All the characters felt very real. While I wouldn't say I was attached to them, they fit well into the plot and together created an actual story.
Rating: I rate The Lock Artist a nine out of ten. Good read.
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