Plot: When brother and sister Paul and Julia are on vacation at the beach, they are abruptly transported to a strange, magical world being attacked by the dreaded Ragwitch. To defeat her, Paul must convince all four Elementals to help save their world.
Comments: I liked this book, though at first it wasn't very interesting. But once it started, I got into it and decided I shouldn't have judged the whole book by the first few pages. (However, I do think author's should strive to create a “hook”, an interesting beginning that makes the readers want to keep reading. It's an important part of the book because it represents the rest of the book; it tells readers what to expect. Too many books I've read started out boring but got better as they went along – most people will put down a boring book and find something else to do. So I revise my statement: I can judge a book by the first few pages, but I shouldn't necessarily expect the entire book to be like those pages.)
The characters are a little hard to imagine as real, but I think part of that is because this book is set in more of a medieval era, which I am unfamiliar with. The plot is interesting – once it starts – and the idea of the Ragwitch is unlike anything I've ever read before. The Ragwitch is a very creative antagonist, and I especially like the creativity with the weapon Paul receives. I like how the point of view switches between Paul and Julia (though Paul is obviously the main character), so you can see what's going on in different places at the same time.
Rating: I rate this book a six and a half out of ten. An all-around good fantasy story.
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