Plot: in the age of the dinosaurs, a chiropter (small animals that glide from tree to tree, using their hairy wings) is born different from the rest of his family. His chest and shoulders are much stronger and his wings are practically hairless. What's more, Dusk, as he is named, has always had a strong urge to flap his wings like birds, instead of keep them rigid for gliding. He feels alone and his family thinks he's odd until a day comes when he is their only hope.
Comments: I liked this book. It was an easy read, but a nice adventure story. It's definitely creative, and I like the way it explains the disappearance of the dinosaurs. One thing I didn't understand was the way the point of view switched from Dusk to another animal. It helped me to understand better what was happening, but it didn't fit very well. Also, I never learned the ending from the point of view of the other animal. It was like the author forgot to add that in there.
The plot was interesting, and certainly very creative. The characters were definitely not easy to imagine, but that's because they were all pre-historic animals. I didn't like the way Dusk was always so obedient and humble around everyone else, especially the elders. I always hate that, but only because I believe in giving respect where it is due. If an old woman is being extremely rude to me, I'm not going to be polite back just because she's old. But that's just me.
Rating: I rate this book a six out of ten. Okay, but not the best.
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