Plot: Koji lives in the samurai ages of Japan, a twin in a time of great superstition. He is always envious of his twin, Taro, for his strength and bravery, and he feels as if everyone loves him more. When Koji is kidnapped by strange people in dark clothes, he finally begins to feel like he is someone, instead of a shadow of his brother.
Comments: this book was an easy read, but very interesting and enjoyable. I am fascinated with anything related to Japan, and I love stories about ninjas. While this story was an adventure/action story, I think it also had a good lesson about family and what really matters. It was a sweet story, and altogether a nice read.
The characters were very easy to imagine, and I felt like they were real people. I loved the varieties in personality; all the characters were very different. I didn't like the way Koji was always so obedient (well, he wasn't always), and how respectful he was. However, I should probably note that this was set in the early 1500's in Japan, and I know manners were incredibly important. You were expected to be polite to everyone and respectful to your elders. So I guess it's a good thing how the style fits the setting. (I'm just very sensitive to that kind of polite obedience.)
Rating: I rate this story a six and a half out of ten. A good book, but probably too much of an easy read for me.
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