Plot: Anita, a girl living an average life as a teenager is abruptly plunged into a world of magic (or the Mystic Arts), fantasy, and faeries. The faeries there tell her she is Tania, the seventh daughter of the Faerie King Oberon, and that she has been living in the Mortal World for the past five hundred years. Anita does not believe them at first, especially since she had lost her memory of the Faerie World, but she gradually realizes that the world she is living in is not a dream. She is forced to choose between the man she loved on Earth and the faerie she was supposed to have loved in her own magical realm.
Comments: an interesting fantasy that intertwines real life and ancient legends of faeries and magic. I like the main character, Anita/Tania, but I don't like how she reacts to the Faerie world. She acts like the entire thing is a dream for a good ways into the story, and it's annoying how she won't wake up and realize it (no pun intended). The names are confusing for a little bit, but only until you get used to the characters as they are introduced into the story. There are a lot of characters you need to know, and they were cleverly introduced in a way that makes it easy to remember them.
Anita/Tania was angry with Evan/Edric and would not talk to him, but it got extremely annoying when time after time she would snub him. I understand the importance of her not listening to his explanation, but I think there was too much emphasis on it. I like the way Anita/Tania's power developes and the twists in the story. I can't wait to read book two, The Lost Queen!
Rating: I shall rate this book a seven and a half out of ten.
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