Plot: a girl, Zahira, discovers that she is the only surviving heir of the emperor and empress that were murdered when she was young. She decides to challenge the tyrant that took over her realm but realizes that the cruel ruler is her uncle. Zahira starts an uprising and gathers together an army to ovethrow her murderous relative once and for all.
Comments: this is a good book for reading a chapter whenever you find the time because it's easy to pick up where you left off. I like the way the characters are portrayed, but a few times a character was mentioned like a main character, but I had no idea who they were. The names were easy to remember and I like the way the characters interact with each other. I have a hard time imagining what the characters look like, however, even when descriptions are given. I can see the connection between the title and a part in the book, but it is not a very strong connection as the plot changes. The plot is good but hurried, and I think time passes too quickly.
Rating: I give this book a six and a half out of ten.
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