Plot: The main character, Zac, is trying to solve a mystery passed down to him from his grandfather. Zac and his grandfather suspect that a treaty between slave catchers and an African tribe was broken, a long time ago. The treaty had stated that the tribe would pay the slave catchers so no one in the tribe could become a slave, but the slave catchers went back on their word and sold every single tribe
member. Zac is trying to gather enough evidence to sue the English government.
Comments: This was a good book, fiction but it seemed as if it could have really happened. The characters are good, pretty well rounded. Their personalities speak for themselves, without needing a whole lot of details. I like how you only know as much as Zac does, but sometimes something was obvious to me and he was completely clueless, without me having any more information than him. I really like how the history was mixed in with the story. The whole thing sounds pretty plausible, and the whole historical part of the book was portrayed in an interesting, mysterious light.
I like the pace of the story; it moves smoothly, not too slow or too fast. I think the beginning had an interesting hook, but I was unsatisfied with the ending. It was okay, but I had hoped for more hints of the future than were given. The last few words also left something to be desired. I had thought there would be one last sentence on the next page, but there was only the author's note. I was confused, and it took me a little while to realize that those were the last words in the book.
Rating: I give this book a seven out of ten.
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