Plot: In a desperate attempt to save her family, willful Kate enters the deadliest horse race in the world. These otherworldly horses have a taste for meat, which is where the deadly comes in. Meanwhile, four year race champion Sean's life is turned inside out when he meets Kate and is inspired by her determination.
Comments: I loved this book! The Scorpio Races was clever, exciting, and an intriguing mix of everyday worries and the fantastical. The story captivated me through the final page.
I always love a strong female character, and I believe Kate was a wonderful example of this. She had her faults and was in no way perfect, but her passion and righteousness set me to internal cheering. Her obstinance and pride were hilarious and realistic. The way she interacted with other characters showed her growth throughout the book as she discovered self-confidence.
It was fun watching Kate and Sean together as well, however obvious that outcome was. Some parts of the story were fairly predictable, but perhaps that's the beauty of this book: the comforting familiarity of knowing what will happen next. Certainly I wasn't bored by the plot, which had its fair share of twists and turns.
The concept of these wildly beautiful horses creates an atmosphere of wistful longing and the untamed, furious power of nature. Loving the horses is like loving the ocean from which they come, courting danger and death at all times. This story makes you wish you could understand what it feels like to ride a horse so spirited and terrible, to feel the thrum of this disastrous race running through your veins, and to love and fear the ever present ocean.
Rating: I rate The Scorpio Races a nine out of ten. A wonderful story.
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