Plot: Two girls, Taisan with unnatural powers and Kaede without, are sent by the king on a dangerous journey to meet the Fairy Queen. As they begin to rely on each other, they also begin to fall in love.
Comments: I didn't particularly like this book and only finished it because I was extremely bored. Because the summary on the inside book jacket explained that the girls fall in love, that crucial part of the story was ruined. From the beginning I knew they would fall in love, so their tentative feelings and confused internal monologues were a waste. There was absolutely no mystery and so there was nothing to keep my attention or interest. In addition, Malinda Lo did not do a very good job with the age-old "show, don't tell" guideline: the narrator blatantly stated that they were falling in love rather than showing how it was happening.
I found it interesting that the main characters falling in love were both girls because I have never read a romance novel that wasn't a man and a woman. However, I was disappointed in this love story. Hopefully I can find better romance stories with girl-girl or boy-boy. Taisin and Kaede were also rather disappointing characters. They had no depth and no purpose beyond falling in love. Everything they did was predictable.
The plot itself was also highly predictable, as well as anti-climatic. The whole book seemed to lead up to one event, which failed to perform for more than a couple of pages. A final adventure was crammed into the last few pages as if written last minute. The writing of this book was a big disappointment.
Rating: I rate this book a five out of ten. Not worth reading.
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