Plot: a girl goes to the arcade for half an hour of a virtual reality game, a new medieval world called Heir Apparent. But something goes wrong, and Giannine is stuck in the virtual reality until she either completes the game--a seemingly impossible feat--or her body overloads and she becomes a vegetable. Unfortunately, this game was designed to take several visits to complete, and Giannine is running out of time...
Comments: I really liked this book! Great for fantasy lovers, or someone willing to use their imagination a bit. I loved the way the medieval story was tied to real life (or at least, what could be real life in the future) and the book showed all kinds of ways things didn't work out. The whole game theme allowed the characters to change with each life, which was sometimes confusing, but overly. It was fun how if something went wrong, Giannine could start over and I could see the story from a whole new perspective.
The plot for this book was extremely creative and well-thought out. It's complicated and but it doesn't need a lot of details, and the reader experiences all the feelings that Giannine does (well, most of them, in my opinion). I appreciate how Vivian Vande Veede generally speeds up the parts you've already gone through and will go through several times (if you haven't read this book, this shouldn't make sense to you). It definitely helps keep the story interesting and prevents it from being repetitive. This book was clever and the main character easy to relate to. I recommend this book for a bit of light reading, funny with a dash of decision-making.
Rating: I rate this book an eight out of ten.
Wait, isn't her name "Vivian Vande VELDE?"
ReplyDeleteHey, you're right! Wow, I could've sworn it said Veede on the book cover...Thanks!