Plot: a young goose girl, due to the manners her mother had taught her, is suddenly locked in a tower with two royal, unrelenting suitors both clamoring after her hand. She plans to escape and find somewhere quiet to stay and tend her geese, but that is much more difficult than she had thought. Accompanied by one she'd just as soon not have met, the goose girl begins an adventure that will lead her all round the country.
Comments: This book was a nice story, a nice light-hearted book for a peaceful afternoon. Best, I think, for someone with some sense of imagination. Though the characters were often difficult to relate to or imagine, they fit in well with the story line. I like the way the people talk in the old-fashioned sense, and I appreciate how tedious it must have been for the author. The plot was similar to other books I have read, but lead to something completely different. I like the descriptions of the characters, and I can relate to the goose girl in the way she thinks and acts towards others. I think they depend too much on the goose girl's special gift (not telling) to get out of trouble. It certainly got her into enough trouble, but I think the characters could have been a bit more clever, allowing them to work their way out of trouble by themselves. I didn't expect the ending, but I think the whole explanation part could have been a bit more graceful.
Rating: I shall give this book a seven out of ten.
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