Plot: A gypsy boy lives with his sister and her little girls in trailers, wherever they can find a place to park. He uses his natural fighting instincts to protect his family against anyone who dares provoke them. When the police want him to infiltrate an illegal bare-fisted fighting business, he has to choose to either work for those he's avoided all his years or earn money for a house by taking part in the fighting.
Comments: this book is good for when you want to read something real yet surreal, something entertaining and dangerous. This book had action, a plot, and well rounded characters. I like the main character, Freedom; I like the way he talks, how he acts, and the decisions he makes. His nieces add something sweet and innocent to a story that would otherwise be all action and a fast-paced, dangerous plot. Some characters aren't easy to imagine, however, like Wren, and Freedom's brother-in-law.
The plot is very creative and it poses a problem that could very well be real, and probably is or was. It's an interesting mix of plain, dirty, illegal boxing and elaborate, cruel, illegal experiments. Science and macho-ness. I like the ending, but I think Wren changes sides too often and there isn't a whole lot of room for Java to be in the story after the book (not a sequel, just carrying on the story).
Rating: I shall give this book a seven and a half out of ten.
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