Plot: a girl is sent away to a boarding school, an odd place called Delderton. At Delderton, the students are encouraged to express themselves and find their way in life. When the school receives an invitation to an international folk dance festival in Bergania, she puts together a folk-dancing group. In Bergania, the unthinkable happens, and Tally's newfound friend, the prince of Bergania, needs her help to survive.
Comments: this is a good book for a lazy day when you need something to do. I like the characters, who are very well rounded, and I can easily imagine them in real life. The plot is creative and well done, nice and smooth. I love the difference in the characters; some are wild and curious, some are snobby and rich, some are shy and thoughtful, etc. I also love the bond between those in the folk dancing festival. Even though they can't speak the same language, they all become great friends and are willing to do whatever it takes to help the prince.
I like the smaller problems within the plot that give a real-life quality to the story, such as Julia's mother and Kit's reluctance to be at Delderton. I don't like how Karil seems to forget about Tally, and I would have preferred to know of his plan beforehand. He went very far with his plan, and it was upsetting to think that he had turned into a snobby, exiled prince. I also wish Tally had reacted more to her problem with Karil. Some of the time it seemed as if she didn't care, but maybe she was just trying to hide her feelings. This story was entertaining and touchingly sweet.
Rating: I give this book a seven out of ten.
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