Book Three in Pendragon Series
Plot: Bobby is back yet again (there's at least five more books--stay with me here), and this territory is unlike what he had imagined. I won't tell you where it is, exactly, but let's say this territory is not unlike Bobby's home, Second Earth. Bobby meets a couple more Travelers, and has to make an extremely difficult decision that will tip three territories (count 'em, three) to either the good side or the bad side.
Comments: I'm really liking this series so far. This book is good for a lazy afternoon, and it's modernized, and written so you can't say for sure whether or not it isn't actually happening as you read it. I like the use of real people and places, and I wonder if the way they're portrayed in this book is how they really are. It has a nice twist somewhere in the middle, but it gets predictable in that Pendragon always stays the same (does he ever learn?), Saint Dane (the bad guy) is always where you least expect it, and the layout is always the same--Saint Dane appears in a territory, Pendragon eventually figures out the plan, Saint Dane reveals himself, Pendragon thinks he's beaten Saint Dane, there's a problem, and boom, Pendragon wins again. Goos stories, but a little variation would be nice, considering how many books there are. The people get predictable, too.
Rating: This book gets a six and a half out of ten.
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