Book One of the Pendragon Series
Plot: A fourteen-year-old boy has a normal life, with good grades, good at sports, and popular. His best friend is an unpopular nerd/geek, and his longtime crush/girlfriend is a girl a lot like him. But then his Uncle Press thrusts him into another world (literally), and he is discovering who he really is, while saving said world.
Comments: A good book, nice and thick, easy to get hooked on this series. Again, the names are a tiny bit confusing, but it works, because it's first-person point of view, so you don't know any more than the main character. The characters are full, well-developed people, and I can easily imagine them having a life behind the scenes of the plot. (I mean, I can imagine them thinking, talking, and having a life, unlike when characters only seem alive when they're on the page. Savvy?) A good adventure book, and I like how the plot moves fluidly.
Rating: I give this book a seven and a half out of ten.
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