Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Explosionist by Jenny Davidson

Plot: in the middle of a war, two teenage friends, Sophie and Mikael, work together to solve a great mystery. It involves a dead medium, messages from the dead, and Mikael's missing brother. Can they put all the puzzle pieces together before it's too late?

Comments: I had a hard time convincing myself to keep reading after the first page, because the hook was not very interesting. But I'm glad I continued reading the story, and I really enjoyed it. The plot was interesting and relatively easy to follow, though once in I while I was a bit disoriented. The characters are very well portrayed, and I can easily imagine them as real people living their lives as in this book. The characteristics of the characters are extremely different, so every person is unique and an individual instead of blending into the background. I was a little confused about IRYLNS and Brothers of the Northern Liberties and who was on who's side. The position they were in because of the war was unclear; maybe a minor detail, but it's still a big part of the setting and background information.

Sometimes this story was a little bit boring to me, mostly because of the dialogue. It seemed as if there was much more talking than actual action, more like someone was narrating a scene rather than actually seeing it for yourself. But all in all, I very much liked this book, and it was a cute story about two teens with some danger and politics mixed in.

Rating: I shall give this book a seven out of ten.

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