Plot: During the Great Depression, thousands roam the country seeking jobs and money. Among the crowds of hobos is quiet, determined Marcus Connelly. But Connelly is searching for something other than a job: he looks for the scarred man who murdered his daughter. Connelly lives only to take revenge upon this man who leaves behind whispers of a terrible legacy; the man everyone knows as Mr. Shivers.
Comments: Beginning as a solemn, grim story of a man driven to vengeance, Mr. Shivers soon twisted into a dark, disturbing tale. By the last page, I was thoroughly perturbed. This is certainly not a book for young people (I recommend high school and up) or for those who are easily frightened or sickened. The descriptions can get fairly graphic in a matter-of-fact manner that makes it even more disgusting.
I liked Connelly at first because he was such a simple person who didn't say much. He cared about other people. However, as the story progressed and he grew more obsessed with his quest, Connelly changed. He started to be like the very man he despised, Mr. Shivers. This disappointed me, and I no longer cared about Connelly. By the end, every character was just another pawn to play in the sick, twisted game of the story.
While this was a well-crafted story, I was so disturbed by it that I didn't enjoy it very much.
Rating: I rate Mr. Shivers a seven out of ten.
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