Plot: When housemaid Anna Frith's village becomes infested with the plague, they make the decision to quarantine themselves to protect the outside world. Through these grueling times of sickness and tragedy, Anna rises to the challenge and proves herself an able healer and strong young woman.
Comments: This is a story filled with imperfect people struggling in a cruel world. Anna is strong in some ways and weak in others. I love her capability and willingness to help but dislike her subservient nature. Every person in Year of Wonders has flaws, creating a mismatched, conflicting reality of strained relationships and deteriorating faith.
The story was fairly predictable, disappointingly. What was probably meant as merely foreshadowing completely gave away important aspects that would appear later in the book. Nothing came as a surprise or very impacting in any way. I didn't feel very attached to any characters, and so everything that happened was rather insignificant. However, the tales of survival and failure were intriguing and somewhat inspiring. The story was enjoyable and at times captivating, though I was not able to feel much empathy for the characters.
Rating: I rate Year of Wonders a seven out of ten.
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