Plot: Nine-year-old Finnikin's world shatters when his kingdom's beloved king, queen, and royal heirs are brutally slaughtered and an impostor seizes control. Ten years later, a girl named Evanjalin claims that a prince yet lives. Hoping to take back his kingdom, Finnikin embarks upon a journey that will test his faith in Evanjalin and in himself.
Comments: This book had an amazing story. The plot was creative and the action was gripping: I definitely enjoyed reading Finnikin of the Rock. With hauntingly vivid imagery, this story is not a happy one. However, it is certainly an entertaining, suspenseful story. I loved several characters, especially the killer Perri who is also extremely protective of the helpless.
Unfortunately, I had problems with the two main characters, Finnikin and Evanjalin. Excluding his exceptional military and political skills, Finnikin was a stereotypical nineteen-year-old guy: impatient, rude, sexist and uncaring. He did not understand why Evanjalin was upset when he slept with a prostitute and treated her badly. Evanjalin also had a exceptional skill, but otherwise she was a burden to everyone, running off and making bad decisions. She constantly berated Finnikin and did not apologize for the things she did to hurt him. They were both stubborn and in general not nice people. I must admit, I really did not like either. I do not believe the author was intending for the readers to dislike the main characters.
Another problem I had with this book was the overwhelming number of surrounding countries and their relationships with Finnikin's kingdom. It was very confusing and difficult to keep track of which were allies and which enemies.
Rating: I rate this book a seven and a half out of ten.
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