Plot: In a world filled with magical healers, Nya has an unusual power: instead of just healing pain, she can shift pain from one person to another. This puts her in a dangerous position and Nya is forced into hiding. But when healer apprentices begin to disappear, including Nya's younger sister, she must unravel the mystery and save the apprentices - no matter what the cost.
Comments: This book was great! It was creative, well-explained, and very touching. I love Nya's stubborn personality and protectiveness for her sister. Nya made this story lively and the problems personal. She wouldn't give up, and I admire that greatly. From the very first chapter, I loved Nya, and Danello, the cute boy who helps her on this precarious journey. It was interesting how Soek was introduced as a kind-of love rival for Nya, but I'm not entirely sure where he "went" at the end of the book. There was no further mention of him, which was confusing. But I liked how Danello was jealous because it proved how much he liked Nya.
The politics were a little complicated in this book, which got in the way of the story. Some parts regarding the Duke and the Luminary and others were rather hard to follow, and though I was able to continue reading the story, it became slightly more difficult to read because of this. I feel as if the author also could have been more clear on the issues between the two different races in this book. I was confused as to how one knows what race you are (it had nothing to do with skin color - just hair color, apparently), and...the whole thing was not well explained. I also don't understand why they hate each other and disliked the prejudice Nya had against the more powerful, wealthier race.
Rating: I rate this book an eight out of ten.
Comments: This book was great! It was creative, well-explained, and very touching. I love Nya's stubborn personality and protectiveness for her sister. Nya made this story lively and the problems personal. She wouldn't give up, and I admire that greatly. From the very first chapter, I loved Nya, and Danello, the cute boy who helps her on this precarious journey. It was interesting how Soek was introduced as a kind-of love rival for Nya, but I'm not entirely sure where he "went" at the end of the book. There was no further mention of him, which was confusing. But I liked how Danello was jealous because it proved how much he liked Nya.
The politics were a little complicated in this book, which got in the way of the story. Some parts regarding the Duke and the Luminary and others were rather hard to follow, and though I was able to continue reading the story, it became slightly more difficult to read because of this. I feel as if the author also could have been more clear on the issues between the two different races in this book. I was confused as to how one knows what race you are (it had nothing to do with skin color - just hair color, apparently), and...the whole thing was not well explained. I also don't understand why they hate each other and disliked the prejudice Nya had against the more powerful, wealthier race.
Rating: I rate this book an eight out of ten.
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