Plot: a young taxi driver living with his old, smelly dog and playing cards at night with his friends thinks he's alright with his life. But the day the first card came, his life was instantly transformed. Nothing is what he thought it was. What he doesn't realize is that in slowly changing the lives around him for the better, he is slowly changing his own, until he can't even recognize it.
Comments: I had seen a lot of other people read this book before I finally checked it out of the library. I wasn't sure what to expect (since I had peeked over someone's shoulder once and I now know it was at the least-appropriate part in the book), but I started reading and was hooked immediately. The writing style is so friendly, so easy to understand and relate to, and the characters feel so real! It feels like I'm a part of the story, an unseen observer watching the days go flying by (or trudging along, depending on which part of the story you're reading).
This story has an important message woven into the plot. It reminds you that not everything is what it seems, that anyone can fake a smile and everyone needs a shoulder to lean on sometimes. This story inspired me to look beyond the faces and see what is actually there instead of what's easiest to see. I need to remember that everyone has been through something (that's life, isn't it?) and that everyone has a story to tell. Sometimes all anyone needs is a good listener. I want to be that listener, that shoulder, that friendly face. I want to help people.
This book is funny, interesting, endearing, and wonderful. I highly recommend it, though I would rate it PG13. Definitely a must read! Caution: this book will make you think.
Rating: I rate this book a seven out of ten. Read it!
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