Plot: Elana, a young woman from an advanced civilization, takes a job with her father and boyfriend trying to evict colonists from an already occupied planet. The planet the colonists land on is not technologically advanced, and have no idea that there are other worlds and civilizations in space. It's Elana and her companions's duty to make the space-traveling colonists find an uninhabited planet--without revealing their own identities.
Comments: this book was interesting and creative, and I think it's good for reading at night before you go to bed. The plot is original--certainly I've never read anything like it before. The characters are easy to imagine, but in my case, not easy to relate to. Elana's father has wisdom and a sense of duty from his life experiences. Elana's boyfriend is...just not very prominent throughout the book. And while Elana is gentle and kind, she is obedient, soft, and thinks in different ways as I. Perhaps it's just me, but I didn't feel very much in the story. Though it was first-person point of view from Elana, it felt like I was watching the whole thing, which all in all is not very exciting.
I like the way the three get the natives to make the colonists move (so that their presence is not betrayed to the colonists) without letting the natives know anything they shouldn't. The tests and ways they convince them of magic is very clever, but it started getting pretty predictable. Even the natives they chose knew Elana was setting up the tests, and it all seemed kind of fake. I started losing interest, and only kept reading because I wanted to know the ending. It's true that I didn't entirely expect the ending, but the general concept was obvious, and I wasn't very entertained.
Rating: I rate this book a five and three quarters out of ten. Okay, but it lacked the something to keep me interested.
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