Plot: a young girl nicknamed Scout grows up during the Great Depression with her older brother Jem and her father Atticus. This is her story of growing up and learning lessons the hard way.
Comments: I can't believe I hadn't thought of reading this book earlier. Of course I'd heard about it, and knew it was a classic, but I'd never actually read it until now. This story is amazing. The characters are all very realistic, and I love how every person is portrayed from a young girl's point of view. Scout is so innocent and sweet, you can't help but fall in love with her. The story of her adventures with Jem and their friend Dill is creative, interesting, and heart-warming.
I like the way there are a lot of different stories inside this one big story, and it makes it feel a lot like life. There are plenty of life lessons in this book, and you get to watch as Scout matures and learns about the world. One thing I can't get over is how smart Scout is! At the start of the story, she's only six years old, and she's saying things and reasoning things I had no idea of when I was her age! It's amazing how times have changed. If you haven't read this book yet, you should.
Rating: I rate this book an eight and a half out of ten.
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